The Greek word for “God” in Acts 4:24 means “absolute Master”, an uncommonly used Greek word for God in the New Testament. Don’t you want Him on your side?! The absolute master of the universe! We are not talking about a fictional character like an Avenger or some super hero. This is the Lord who “made the heaven and the earth and the sea, and all that is in them”! You will be an “overcomer” with God on your side. You are more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus! Read Romans 8:31-38. The men here with Peter and John have found this confidence in the Lord, seeing that God does what He needs to do, and is with His servants through it all –even in their sufferings. He is sovereign. He does what He has predetermined to do as we make our choices that He knew we would make! His plan will not be thwarted!

Acts 4:23-31, Romans 8:31-38