As we begin a new year, where in your life do you need a new perspective?

Look at Psalm 119:18. We have to remember that so much of the violence and crime we read about is part of a huge spiritual battle. The devil has come to steal, kill, and destroy. Jesus has come to redeem our lives from the enemy and give life abundantly. READ John 10:10.Are you worried about Iran? Look at Psalms 2, 91, 139, John 16:33, and Revelations 1:7. Who have you given up on? Read 2 Peter 3:9. Pray for them! There’s still time! Who would you least likely think would get saved? Look at Kanye West. Who is actually bullying you because of Jesus? Pray for them! God transforms lives. Read Acts 9:1-19. Are you going through suffering? Trust God because He is refining you. Suffering is part of our journey. Has God asked you to do something that doesn’t make sense? Have you lost hope. Are you afraid to step out and do the next step in your life. Jim Elliot, famous missionary and martyr who reached out to the Aucas in Ecuador in the 1950’s was quoted as saying that “the man who will not act until he knows all will never act at all.” Jim’s wife Elizabeth later went and let the man who killed her husband cut her hair! And led him to Christ! She had the right perspective. Trust God’s plan. God will equip and strengthen you for His service. God prepares us for service. Ananias obeyed and went to visit Paul, a persecutor-turned-believer. He fulfilled his mission and look at the results! Paul had to be stopped dead in his tracks to learn his mission. He complied with a totally new perspective and ended up being a key player on God’s team who impacted the whole world with his letters. Do you need to be stopped from going down a destructive path? Or a different plan? Choose God’s way today! Do you need a new perspective? That’s why many people, including myself, have taken a missions course called Perspectives to see why we need to preach the Gospel to all nations. (Mathew 24:14) God will equip you for your mission. God’s perspective is the right perspective. As we start the new year, let’s pray for His perspective and get 2020 vision in the Spirit.

Psalm 2, 91, 139, 119:18; Matthew 24:14, John 16:33, 2 Peter 3:9, Revelations 1:7